Income From kliksaya: Excess, Terms And Tips Maximizing Income Langsung ke konten utama

Income From kliksaya: Excess, Terms And Tips Maximizing Income

KlikSaya.Com the online advertising market with a pay-per-click / ppc / pay-per-click is made specifically for the territory of Indonesia, which brought the site owner / publisher rent / publisher to the advertiser / advertiser. Following reviews on local kliksaya ppc program include earning potential, advantages and disadvantages kliksaya, the requirements to become publisher ad, how to become publishers, how to advertise and tips on maximizing revenue from kliksaya.

KlikSaya.Com the online advertising market with a pay-per-click / ppc / pay-per-click is made specifically for the territory of Indonesia, which brought the site owner / publisher rent / publisher to the advertiser / advertiser. Following reviews on local kliksaya ppc program include earning potential, advantages and disadvantages kliksaya, the requirements to become publisher ad, how to become publishers, how to advertise and tips on maximizing revenue from kliksaya.

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For most website owners, it is not easy to find your own advertisers who want to advertise on the site. Kliksaya be the easiest solution to this problem. Anyone who wants to advertise on various websites kliksaya pay for it. You as a publisher earning revenue by publishing ads on your site kliksaya. All transactions are run through kliksaya, both advertisers and publishers can access the statistics that can help them understand and manage the effectiveness of their advertising.

If you are considering joining as a publisher KlikSaya.Com, you may be wondering about how much income you can get from the program. The answer varies depending on the amount of site traffic and ad optimization. Kliksaya publisher of the approval page, we can see that kliksaya split the advertising costs paid by an advertiser with a percentage of 60% to the publisher and 40% to kliksaya, it is fair to publishers. With these percentages, publishers generally can obtain some amount per click.

Although there is no official data, the rumors circulating on the internet about the amount of income earned from KlikSaya.Com vary from a few hundred thousand to millions of rupiah per month which is of course very dependent on the amount of traffic from the sites and ad optimization. For the price per click is usually between USD 300, - to Rp 1.000, -. As an illustration, for the site with the number of 60,000 visitors per day can produce about two million per month, 1,500 visitors per day can earn about Rp 100,000 - Rp 150,000 per month. Indeed, the amount of income is not too great if the amount of traffic the site is not too high, but it includes quite good when compared with many other local ppc. In addition, the energy and time that must be spent also minimal.

Terms of the publisher kliksaya
The main requirement to register as a publisher KlikSaya.Com is you have to have traffic site with a minimum of 10,000 page views per month and site content must be original, do not contain material that smelled PTC (Pay To Click), pornography, SARA, money game, multi-level marketing (MLM ) and unlawful, such as gambling, drugs, abortion, and others.

excess kliksaya

Registration is free. The requirement is also easy to join as a publisher, namely: the site has a minimum of 10,000 pageviews per month.

Has proven to pay and payments are always on time. In addition, the minimum payout is only Rp 60,000, - so it does not take long to get the first payment of kliksaya.

There are three ad formats: text, header and image with a design that does not interfere but still attract the attention of visitors to the site.

No banner pop ups, banner runs and other schemes that can frustrate visitors.

There are several sizes that can be selected banner and banner display can also be changed and adjusted to the color and character of the site that looks integrated with the site.

Installing kliksaya on site only takes a minute, you can finish it in a reasonably short time.

There are various types of reports and statistics such as advertising zone report, ad report, click the report, the daily statistical reports, etc. to help publishers evaluate the effectiveness of advertising zones were created.

Disadvantages kliksaya

  • Price-per-click advertising cost.
  • Ads less varied.
  • Ads less relevant to site content.

To start making money from your website using kliksaya, you must register as a publisher KlikSaya.Com


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