How often have you heard that you need to create quality content? In order for your blog to be a reference person who wants to learn about the topics you discuss?

Yes, create quality content is needed not just to get traffic, but also to help you become an authority blog.

If your writing is good, your blog visitors will be happy to share it with his friends. If on the contrary - it may be inevitable as the picture on the side. :)

But perhaps you are confused what is quality content. Because so many factors to decide. Not to mention the many types of content-so kind to one another can not be compared.

So the best way to learn to write is looking for examples (but not plagiarism). I believe that by looking at the writings of quality, our subconscious will record it.

For the following 5 examples of blogs that have quality content (in my judgment, and see what topics they discussed). And please note, these examples are not my sequence, and the numbering is not the best show. Altogether Indonesian language blog.

1. PSD Design

Jaka Zulham managers. He writes about Photoshop tips. Interspersed with wordpress design. In addition to the main reference I learned Photoshop, reading there tasty. Because the explanation is quite clear, and the ads that appear unobtrusive.

Kunjungi PSD Desain..

2. Blogguebo

Who does not know this Aginta Medhy blog? Quoting one of his writings, Blogguebo gradually synonym Tips to Make Money Through Blog. I do not doubt it, writing is typical! Not to mention some of the awards he's ever Sabet.

Kunjung Blogguebo.

3. Ngonoo

Ngonoo just been born, then kicked off a promotion with competitions / contests. Even though I do not follow it, I like writing in Ngonoo. They discussed social media and online tips and tricks they are consistent! So it does not mix. It is important that your readers are not confused.

Kunjungi Ngonoo.

4. Poetra Photos

This blog was founded by Tim Poetra Studio Photography. PTP itself was founded by Munir Mishbahul. Snaking about photography tips. Since my friend had a camera, he often invites me to learn shooting. And this blog is one of our best references.

Kunjungi Poetra Foto.

5. Million-Poetry

If you want to learn writing, especially writing with literary style, made by Hasan Aspahani blog is the best. Batam Post journalist and poet is indeed post the poems of his work there. And if you really want to learn, find in the archives article "Space mused" which is the result of reflections wrestle with poetry.

Kunjungi Sejuta-Puisi


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