OVERCOMING THE COMPUTER Not Responding Langsung ke konten utama


Tips to Overcome Computer Not Responding - The computer is a tool that is often used by humans to facilitate a variety of jobs. Ranging from data processing, printing, design, and much more. But the computer also will confront a variety of issues that are often troublesome man himself.

The example is the computer that is often blank, the computer is often not responding. All of that is a little example of the problems often experienced by humans. But this time I will discuss about how to resolve the computer that is often not responding.

The occurrence of not responding on your computer is too slow due to a computer to load. For example, when we want to open the Adobe Photoshop application, but too slow to open the application. When we intend to re-close or remove these applications, it happened that computer becomes not responding that turned into a shaded white.

Indeed, a lot of the causes of problems such as frequent computer not responding, Windows is not responding, this file is not responding. The cause can also be caused by hardware and software for the computer that has the problem or have been damaged.

Here are various problems or causes of frequent computer not responding.

Computer shortcut
One of the causes frequent computer not responding may also be caused by their shortcut excessive and useless on the desktop.
One way to overcome that is, do not put too much is too much shortcuts on your computer desktop.

By way of eliminating or do not display the shortcut. You can do by right-clicking on your desktop> View> uncheck show desktop icon.
Too Many Applications
Too many applications on your computer, it will cause the computer becomes slower. Because the process is conducted will be more numerous and severe. And the result your computer will be slow and often have not responding.

To resolve this problem, you must uninstall the application that has a capacity that is too big and not helpful. We recommend that you install applications that are useful for you.
Display Overload
Computer display interesting indeed be a desire itself. However taukah you? if you have a computer with a display that excessive will result in your computer becoming slower and heavier. For example, too much to install widgets that are not useful, such as clock widgets, weather and others.

And can also be caused by installing a theme that actually makes your computer becomes slower and often have not responding.

This resulted in RAM that you used to be slower because the RAM that you use is not commensurate with the application or the appearance you post. because RAM is what receives all the burden, especially computer display. The more views that you install on your computer that you have the result in RAM will be slow to load all views on your computer.

So, in my opinion do not be too put up and install a variety of views that you think is more attractive, whereas in fact it could lead to your computer becoming slower and often have not responding.

Hard drive
The occurrence of not responding not only by comparing the software used, but have also occurred because of the hardware used has been damaged or error. so the computer takes a long time to load your hard drive.
Hard drive error is also caused by too many files are stored, and also due to the conflict of the hard drive that resulted in an error and the computer becomes slow.

If there is damage to your hard drive, one way is to replace the hard drive with a new hard drive.

Perhaps only much for it that I can share for you. So my advice is do not be too install an application or look too much, because it will cause your computer to be slow and not responding


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